
1. What is Portal Games?

Portal Games is a game that takes place in real life. You are locked in a room with your friends. You must get out of the room by passing various obstacles over the course of an hour.


2. How much does the game cost?

Weekdays prices are 16 AZN

Weekends - 18 AZN

(for one person)

All games last 60 minutes.


Exception: Bank and Motel game on weekdays 14 AZN, on weekends 16 AZN

These games last 40 minutes


Jackpot is also an exception and is priced at 20 AZN weekdays and 22 AZN weekends. The game lasts 80 minutes.


3. How many people can participate in the game?

One game can be played by minimum 2 people.


4. How long does the game last?

All games last 40 to 120 minutes.


5. What is your work hours?

We open our branches every day from 12:00 to 23:30.

There are two days off in the year, January 20 and February 26.


6. Do I need to book the game in advance?

You have to book the game in advance, the earlier the better.


7. How to book the game?

You can book any game by visiting our website

8. What discounts can I use?

If one team takes part in a second game on the same day, all team members will receive a 15% discount on that game


30% - birthday.

- The discount is only available to the person who has a birthday.

- You must show a document proving your birthday.

- Other members may take advantage of other discounts.


9. What languages are the games held in?

Games can be held in Azerbaijani, Russian and English.


10. Do you provide video from cameras after the game?

No. Videos are taken only for security purposes. They are not shown to anyone and are not posted anywhere.


11. can i use my cell phone during the game?

No. Using a cell phone during the game is not allowed.


12. Is it allowed to take photos/video during the game?

No. Taking pictures/video during the game is not allowed.


13. Is there an age limit for participating in the game?

Children between the ages of 8 and 14 can only play the game under parental supervision for scary games. Children who meet this age range can only choose "light" mode (no actors) to participate freely in the games. Beginning at age 14, children may participate in all games regardless of the degree of fear.


14. Are there any contraindications to the games?

Mental illness, heart disease, asthma, epilepsy, under the influence of alcohol, pregnancy, etc.


15. What games do you have?

Graf Dracula, Mental Hospital, Darkness, The Mummy, Garage, Prison, Saw, Bunker, Hannibal, Harry Potter, Exorcist, Jackpot, Motel, Bank, Curse, Nun, Witch, Maya, Temple, Maniac, Magic Lamp, Torture, Hotel, Ritual, Lilith, Devil, Execution, Nightmare, Demonologist, Clown, House


16. Which games are in which branches?

 We have 12 branches in operation.


1. Ayna Sultanova branch – Hannibal, Bunker, Nightmare.

Ziya Buniatova Avenue 13, (+99412) 562 26 99


2. Sahil branch -Graff Dracula, Mental Hospital, Witch.

Khagani street 25A, (+99412) 498 03 52, (+99470) 662 26 99


3. MUM branch – The Mummy, Devil.

Suleyman Taghizade Street. Intersection with 14, (+99412) 594 13 92, (+99450) 505 99 96


4. Branch 5 mertebe - Home, Darkness.

89 Molla Vali Vidadi Street, (+99470) 309 26 99


5. Akhundov branch – Garage, Curse, Temple.

Bunyad Sardarov street 3, (+99412) 505 71 55, (+99451)300 66 99


6. Af mall branch – Prison, Nun, Execution.

196 Dilara Alieva Street, (+99412) 597 97 99, (+99470) 850 85 45


7. Nasimi branch- Harry Potter, Exorcist.

63 Byul Byul Avenue, (+99412) 596 05 06, (+99470) 731 05 06


8. Narimanov branch – Trap, Lilith, Clown..

Ashig Ali Street 55, (+99455) 960 02 95


9. Branch of the Sherg - Demonologist, Torture.

Ulvi Byuni-Zade Street. (+99470) 362 26 62


10. Branchal 28 mall - Motel, Bank, Jackpot.

28 mall Mall, 5th floor. (+99477) 762 26 99


11. Passage branch – Maniac, Ritual, Magic Lamp.

Suleyman Tagizade Street 119, (+99470) 940 02 22


12. Victory branch – Hotel.

Hasan Bey Zardabi Street 72, (+99450) 509 52 22


17. Do you only have scary games?

Our segment has both scary and non-scary games.


18. Classification of games?

Scary games: Graf Dracula, Mental Hospital, Darkness, The Mummy, Garage, Prison, Saw, Hannibal, Exorcist, Jackpot, Motel, Curse, Nun, Witch, Maya, Temple, Maniac, Torture, Hotel, Ritual, Lilith, Devil, Execution, Nightmare, Demonologist, Clown, House

Games without fear: Bunker, Prison, Harry Potter, Bank, Magic Lamp.


19. How do I choose the level of fear in scary games?

Yes. Each game has 4 levels of fear (light, medium, hard and Ultra hard). Depending on your own preferences, you choose it before you enter the game.


20. Which game is the scariest?

We are often asked the same question: which game is the scariest? It is different for each person individually. Some are afraid of the dark, some are afraid of sounds. Some are afraid of contact, and some remain indifferent.


21. Do you give special clothes in the games?

Yes. In the games Prison, Mental Hospital


22. Are there insects or animals in your games?



23. If you have any difficulties during the game?

If you have any difficulties during the game, you can ask for help.

Our operator will definitely help you.


24. If we can't find a way out?

When time runs out, they will release you.


25. Is it possible to get injured during the game?

No. We follow the safety rules.


26. КWhere to apply in connection with the vacancies?

Send your resume to our email address hr@portalgames.az send.


27. Are there any age restrictions on hiring?

Yes. +18


28. Who should I contact about cooperation and suggestions?

(+99451)-511-51-10 Nijat 


29. Where can I make a complaint?

You can contact us by e-mail at info@portalgames.az


30. Is it possible to celebrate birthdays at your place?

Yes, you can. Call the branch you want to celebrate your birthday and they will tell you in detail.


31. Can I get a certificate from you?

Yes, you can. You need to come to our office to get your certificate. However, the cost of a certificate used on weekdays-16 azn. Cost of the certificate, which can be used both on weekdays and weekends - 18 Azn. The certificate is valid for 1 month from the date of receipt.


32. Your Personal Data Collected, Method of Collection and Legal Reason

Your IP address and user agent information will be processed solely for the purpose of analysis and by means of technologies such as cookies, automatic or non-automatic methods, and sometimes by obtaining, recording, storing and updating from third parties such as analytics providers, advertising networks, search information providers, technology providers, within the framework and duration of the service and contractual relationship between us, based on the legitimate interest processing condition.